Shop Factory Renewed
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Be more eco-friendly AND save money by shopping for factory renewed products! These items are factory renewed to original quality so you can enjoy high-quality items, without high-ticket prices!
*Items may have slight cosmetic blemishes that do not affect functionality.
Factory Renewed Items
At Heartland America, we have a variety of factory renewed products, many of which are refurbished right here in the USA. Although they may have some slight cosmetic blemishes, factory renewed products are fully functional and every product has been tested extensively to meet high quality standards. This is also an eco-friendly solution, reducing environmental impact (which is much needed in today’s world). In addition to being more eco-friendly products, they’re at even deeper discounts than the brand-new versions, saving you a ton of money! Buying refurbished/renewed is a win-win for you and the planet!
What Does Factory Renewed Mean?
Factory renewed (also know as "refurbished") products have been previously purchased by customers and returned for many different reasons. The products are then restored to be in fully functional condition and resold at lower prices. Products may have slight blemishes, scratches, or dents, but this does not affect how well they work.
Eco-Friendly Option
Buying factory renewed products is a more environmentally friendly way to shop. By buying an item that has been renewed, it diminishes pollution caused to create extra brand-new products. Plus, it reduces the amount of waste that is put out into the environment.
More Jobs in the USA
Nearly all of our factory renewed products are proudly renewed and restored right here in the USA. This helps to ensure the refurbishing adheres to the strict quality standards in the United States. It also helps to create more jobs for Americans, further reducing job shortages. This in turn boosts our economy which helps improve quality of life here in the USA.
Lower Prices
Factory renewed products cost less than brand new products. Sure, they might have slight cosmetic blemishes, but these products are fully functional, and you get to save a whole lot of extra money. This allows for more people to enjoy the product at a price that is more affordable, so you can get the good life for less.
*Items may have slight cosmetic blemishes that do not affect functionality.