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Catalog Orders
See something in our catalog you'd like to purchase on our website?
Ordering online at Heartland America has never been easier!

Find Item Number on your Catalog
Once you've picked out the perfect item(s), it's time to go find it online. Every product ad featured in the pages of our catalog or website has an associated item number (or SKU). You'll need that number to use for our on-site search. You can also search by keyword to locate the item(s) you're looking for.
Enter Item Number in Search Field
Enter as it appears on the catalog, but no need to use those first two catalog letters - just the item number itself. (Example: 4C-46667 should be entered as '46667'). Add it to your shopping cart and you're ready to checkout!

Find Your Catalog Code
To use your Catalog Code at checkout, simply flip over to the back cover of your printed catalog and locate your customer information. You'll see your 8-digit Catalog Code. (In this Example: X9U1000 is the catalog code, no dash needed)
Enter Catalog Code & Place Your Order!
When viewing your shopping cart at checkout, you'll notice the 'Catalog Code' field. Simply hit the '+' sign, fill in your Catalog Code and hit 'Apply', go through the remaining steps and place your order!