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Ordering Information
When to expect your order
Heartland America® strives to ship all in stock items within 48 hours. Please allow 10 business days for delivery on in-stock items. Some items are shipped from the manufacturer and may take longer for delivery.
Can an order be canceled or changed after it has been submitted?
If you should decide that you no longer want an ordered item or wish to change your order, please e-mail us immediately by filling out an online form or giving us a call. Let us know if you would like to cancel, change or add to your order. If your order has already been shipped, you may return the merchandise, but Heartland will not be able to refund any of the shipping costs.
How to receive catalog pricing and/or catalog offers?
To ensure that you receive the correct pricing and special offers from your catalog, please remember to enter the catalog code found in the blue box on the back cover of your catalog in the "Catalog Code" box provided on the "Checkout" page online.
Receiving your Value Club® discounts/benefits online
Value Club® and Elite Club Gold® members will be verified at time of order processing. All active members, recognized by billing information will receive their discount. If this is your first online order, the website might not recognize you as a club member, but your discount will be applied at order processing. Shipping discounts apply only to orders shipped to members addresses and are not available for shipping outside the continental USA.
Volume Discounts & Volume Orders
Heartland America® prices their products to provide the maximum discount to the customer. Heartland America® will not provide quantity discounts on the item pricing. Heartland America® reserves the right to limit quantities per customer, in order to meet the needs of all our customers. Heartland America® prohibits purchases made for the purpose of resale. Orders of ten or more may have additional shipping costs involved. Please call 1-800-229-2901 for more information on these shipping charges.
Member Discounts
Club memberships are intended for individual consumer purchases and are not applicable for resale purchases. We reserve the right to cancel any membership we determine is being used for resale purposes. Shipping discounts apply only to orders shipped to members addresses and are not available for shipping outside the continental U.S.A.
Shipping Outside The Continental U.S.A.
Additional charges are required for shipping destinations in Alaska, Hawaii and Puerto Rico. If placing your order online, the additional shipping prices will be shown on your order based on your shipping address. To find out the shipping charges for any of these areas call 1-800-229-2901 and ask the representative when placing your order. Items shipped directly from the manufacturer are not available for shipping outside the continental U.S.A. No international orders.
Customer Returned Products
Customer returned products have been carefully inspected and repackaged. They are first quality and unblemished unless noted in the advertisement. 7-day return privileges apply to Customer Returned Merchandise. These products are no longer covered by Manufacturer’s Warranty.
California E-Waste Recycling Fee
California law states that CA buyers must pay a recycling fee directly to the state for products with LCD screens and CRT monitors. See the California State BOE website for information on the amount to pay and where to send the payment. Heartland America® assumes no responsibility for customers who fail to comply with this law.
We reserve the right to substitute merchandise of equal or better quality if the merchandise requested has been sold out. Heartland America shall not be responsible for advertising errors. Due to limited availability and fluctuations in market pricing, Heartland America prices are subject to change without notice.
Order Status
Heartland America® strives to ship all 'in stock' items within 48 hours. Please allow 10 business days for ground delivery on in-stock items. Some items are shipped from the manufacturer and may take longer for delivery.
If you have already placed your order, you can track it on our website. We will be able to show you if your current order(s) are still in processing or if we have complete shipping information available.
What happens if the item I ordered is on backorder?
Any items that are currently not in stock will be shipped as soon as they become available. Credit card orders will not be charged until the back ordered item has been shipped.
Substitutions and Availability
We reserve the right to substitute merchandise of equal or better quality if the merchandise requested has been sold out. Heartland America® shall not be responsible for advertising errors. Due to limited availability and fluctuations in market pricing, Heartland America® prices are subject to change without notice.
Accepted Payment Methods
We accept: Visa, MasterCard, American Express and Discover.
When your credit card is charged
Customers’ credit cards are billed when the merchandise is shipped.
Don't want to order on our website?
Heartland America® has representatives available 24/7/365, we encourage our customers to call 1-800-229-2901, if they have any questions, concerns or would like to place an order.
Orders may also be placed by mail, to receive a copy of our mail order catalog please fill out a catalog request form.
Orders may also be placed by fax to: 1-800-943-4096.
Sales Tax
Heartland America® is required by law to charge applicable sales taxes for all orders where sales tax applies, in accordance with applicable state and local laws. Generally, the tax rate is based on the type of product or service purchased and where your purchase is shipped. Heartland America® is not responsible for International Duties or Taxes.
Customer Service Hours
Monday - Friday: 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM CST
Saturday: 9:00 AM - 4:30 PM CST
Sunday: Closed
Order Entry Hours
Monday - Friday: 7:00 AM - 9:00 PM CST
Saturday & Sunday: 9:00 AM - 9:00 PM CST